


GECCO 2024GECCO 2023
GECCO 2022GECCO 2021
GECCO 2020GECCO 2019
GECCO 2018 GECCO 2017 - check the statistics from EiC
GECCO 2016 GECCO 2015
GECCO 2014 GECCO 2013
GECCO 2012 GECCO 2011
GECCO 2010 GECCO 2009
GECCO 2008 GECCO 2007
GECCO 2006 GECCO 2005
GECCO 2004 GECCO 2003
GECCO 2002 GECCO 2001
GECCO 2000 GECCO 1999

GECCO Paper Acceptance Regulations

For each track at GECCO, at most CEILING(40% * N_submitted_to_track) papers
shall be accepted as a full paper, where N_submitted_to_track is the number of
full papers submitted to that track.

Track chairs are encouraged to only accept papers that they feel adhere to the
standards of GECCO. I.e., the acceptance rate of a track should be lower than
40% if there is not a sufficient number of good submitted papers according to
the track chairs.

There is no maximum acceptance rate on poster papers submitted as poster paper
nor on poster papers submitted originally as full paper. It is up to the track
chairs to decide the minimum poster-paper quality.

Papers that are deemed by the track chairs and/or the EiC to not be a proper
fit within the track they were submitted to nor any other track in the
conference, will be desk rejected.

Papers that are deemed by the track chairs and/or the EiC to not be a proper
fit within the track they were submitted to, but are a good fit within another
track according to all involved track chairs and/or EiC, will be moved to
another track before the reviewing process starts unless the authors decide to
retract the paper. To this end, upon signaling said misfit, the EiC will reach
out to the authors to inform them of their options (be moved or retract). This
holds both for the primary and the secondary track choice for a paper.

GECCO Best Paper Regulations

Any paper that was submitted to a track, but was moved to another track by
the GECCO organization, counts toward the track it was moved to, not the one
it was originally submitted to.

A track for which there are less than 10 full-length submitted papers is fully
excluded from the Best Paper Award (BPA) procedure.

A track is allowed to have a track-specific BPA if at least 30 full-length
papers were submitted to that track (i.e., poster papers do not qualify).

Two or more tracks are allowed to have a joint-track BPA if at least 30
full-length papers were submitted to those tracks combined (i.e., poster
papers do not qualify) and there is at least one paper nominated for each of
the constituent tracks. The EiC decides upon such groupings in agreement with
the involved track chairs. In case no consensus can be reached, the EiC

No track may be in more than one group of tracks with which a joint-track BPA
is associated.

For any track, there can be at most one BPA.

For any group of tracks with which a joint-track BPA is associated, there can
be at most one BPA.

For any BPA, there may not be less than 2 nominated papers.

For any track-specific BPA, there may not be more than 3 nominated papers.

For any group of tracks with which a joint-track BPA is associated, there may
not be more than 4 nominated papers.

Best paper nominations are decided upon per track and by the track chairs.

Any paper for which a secondary track has been assigned shall only be
considered for nomination in its primary track.

Track chairs may decide not to nominate any paper for their track, even if
there are at least 15 unique full-length submitted papers for that track.

If any track chair has any conflict of interest (including, but not limited
to, co-authorship) with regard to any paper being nominated, that track chair
shall be excluded from making the decision for paper nomination and be
replaced by the EiC. If the EiC also has a conflict of interest with that
paper, the GC shall replace the EiC in this matter. If the GC also has a
conflict of interest with that paper, the SIGEVO Officers will take the final

Any paper for which the EiC or the GC is a co-author cannot be nominated for a


  • Open TOC Service : Unlimited Open Access to GECCO 2017 - and more
  • All references to GECCO papers can also be found from the corresponding DBLP page.

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  • The Service can be applied to all the ACM articles you have ever published (hence all your GECCO papers since 2005)
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