Call for Nominations

ACM SIGEVO Outstanding Contribution Award

Nominations are now open for the 2025 SIGEVO Outstanding Contribution Award. See the award's page for more information.


Individuals must be nominated and have been members of SIGEVO for at least 5 years. Self-nomination is not possible. A nominee to the award who has not been selected in the first year of their nomination is automatically eligible for selection for the two years following the first nomination.

This Year’s Submission Deadline

March 1 2025

Decision Deadline

The SIGEVO Outstanding Contribution Award Committee will make a recommendation to the Chair of SIGEVO by May 1 of 2025. The Chair of SIGEVO relays this recommendation to the executive board of ACM SIGEVO. Upon majority approval by the executive board of ACM SIGEVO, the chair will inform the recommended individuals. An announcement and recognition will occur at GECCO 2025 in Malaga, Spain.

Submission Procedure

All nomination materials must be submitted electronically this year to Wolfgang Banzhaf at the SIGEVO Outstanding Contribution Award selection committee, by the submission deadline, in English. PDF format is preferred for all materials. Late submissions will not be considered. Email banzhafw at, with subject: SIGEVO Outstanding Contribution Award

Nomination for the award must include:

The burden of offering evidence of merit falls to the nominator. Each nomination should include:
  1. the nominee's complete Curriculum Vitae (CV) or résumé;
  2. a clear, comprehensive description of the nominee's distinguished contributions to the profession of up to 500 words, with complete supporting documentation; and
  3. the identification (name, position, surface mail address and e-mail) of two endorsers who, if requested, will provide evidence of the significance and magnitude of the nominee's contributions. Endorsers must be members of ACM SIGEVO.
  4. ACM Member number of the nominee.
  5. A suggested citation: This should be a concise statement (maximum of 50 words) describing the key contributions of the nominee.

Outstanding Contribution Award Selection Committee

The 2025 committee has five members: Thomas Baeck, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Erik Goodman, Emma Hart and Carlos Coello Coello

Questions regarding the process should be emailed to Wolfgang Banzhaf (